COMPAQ Personal Computer USER DIAGNOSTIC ver.5.02 REV. C
Disk 5.25"
║ C O M P A Q (R) P E R S O N A L C O M P U T E R S ║
║ ║
║ U S E R D I A G N O S T I C S A N D S E T U P ║
║ The USER DIAGNOSTICS diskette contains the TEST program as ║
║ well as SETUP. USER DIAGNOSTICS Version 5.02 and SETUP version ║
║ 5.02 supercede any earlier versions located on other COMPAQ ║
║ USER PROGRAMS diskettes. ║
║ ║
║ At the A> prompt, type the NUMBER of the utility for which ║
║ you want instructions and press the ENTER key. ║
║ ║
║ 1. Information about the TEST program. ║
║ ║
║ 2. Information about the SETUP program. ║
║ ║
║ 3. Information about the ROMREV program. ║
1. Information about the TEST program.
║ T E S T P R O G R A M ║
The TEST program Version 5.02 identifies your system configuration,
allows you to make backup diskettes, and tests all the components of
your system.
You use the SETUP option to set the real-time clock and to identify
options in your 80286 or 80386 machine.
To run the TEST program, type TEST and press the ENTER key.
2. Information about the SETUP program.
║ S E T U P P R O G R A M ║
The SETUP program Version 5.02 identifies your system configuration,
and sets up the CMOS battery-backed configuration memory accordingly.
SETUP should be run any time you add or remove an option from the
SETUP is only applicable for 80286 and 80386-based machines.
To run the SETUP program, type SETUP and press the ENTER key, or
type TEST and select SETUP from the main menu of the diagnostics.
3. Information about the ROMREV program.
║ R O M R E V P R O G R A M ║
The ROMREV program Version 1.00 displays the version letter of each
read-only memory (ROM) in the system. You may wish to copy this
program to your system disk.
To run the ROMREV program, type ROMREV and press the ENTER key, or
type TEST and select ROMREV from the main menu of the diagnostics.